FNCB Examination Schedules

Annual Examination Schedules

Applications are currently being accepted for the GFN-C™ and AFN-C™ and IVSE-C™ certification examinations.

EACH YEAR Candidate Examination Testing is OPEN during 30-day windows four (4) times each year.

January 1-31

April 1-30 

July 1-31 

October 1-31

Applications are completed and accepted throughout the year (yes, they are open year-round!).

Notice of application acceptance occurs when the Candidate Applicant meets the criteria for certification testing. FNCB teams work with Candidates to ensure their application is robust!  Ideally, the FNCB Committees require at least 30 days to process the application. When completed rapidly by the applicant, approvals maybe sooner. If there is missing material, there is a delay in application approval.

If you have questions, please Contact Us!